Our Activities
Sony Music Group (Japan) organized an event to offer free sustainable food at cafeterias and Screening of the film "Mottainai Kitchen” prior to October 16’s World Food Day
Commemorating World Food Dayto raise awareness of global food issues on October 16 every year, Sony Music Group (Japan) held an event to offer free sustainable food at its employee cafeteria, and a documentary film on food loss called “Mottainai Kitchen” was screened for two days.
Sustainable food in all menu items of the employee cafeterias for two days
For two days from October 16 to 17, 2023, employee cafeterias in the SME Rokubancho Building and the SME Roppongi Office offered soy meat and vegan egg and other sustainable food in all menu items. They were provided free of charge to let employees try once and find out how good they are.
In the cafeterias, information on World Food Day and sustainable food was shown on posters and displays.
A post-event survey revealed 90% of the respondents answered positively to the question “Do you feel like including sustainable food in your diet?”: 20% with “I definitely want to include it” and 71% with “I want to include it if I have a chance”.
Opinions from participants
・I knew about sustainable food, but I had never had a chance to eat it, so it was a valuable opportunity for me.
・It was a very meaningful time for communication, including the topic of sustainable food.
・Through this event, I felt that there are things I can do by myself, so I would like to put them into practice in my daily life as much as possible.
・I don’t think I would eat sustainable food unless I had the opportunity to do so, so I am glad I had the chance to try it. I honestly don’t think I would want to eat soy meat, but things like SORAVEGI(sustainably-grown eggplant) or farm-raised shrimp would be something I could incorporate into my daily diet.
Better understand food loss issues from the documentary film "Mottainai Kitchen
On October 16-17, we held a two-day screening of the documentary film "Mottainai Kitchen" to provide an opportunity to think about food issues.
About the movie
Mottainai Kitchen is a culinary road movie, tackling the issue of food waste and other environmental issues in Japan, searching for sustainable solutions. The film follows filmmaker and food activist David Gross as he discovers the fascinating Japanese concept of “Mottainai“, meets local chefs, scientists and farmers while creating tasty recipes for a “Zero Waste Kitchen Revolution”.
Don’t waste anything that still has value. This is the “Mottainai” concept. It can also refer to creative solutions. This ancient philosophy has been experiencing a revival in its country of origin, and it may offer some useful advice for the rest of the world too. Despite its fame as a gourmet haven, Japan has one of the highest numbers of food waste globally. How is that possible and what can we do about it? Where other people see only problems, Mottainai Kitchen goes out to find solutions.
Gross travels across Japan for 4 weeks and only cooks with ingredients that others call waste. On his journey he meets chefs, farmers, activists and scientists and is supported by Nikki, his translator and colleague. The two drive a mobile kitchen created by young designers using recycled materials. Mottainai Kitchen is a film that combines purpose and fun,whetting your appetite for a sustainable future
Through the screening, we were able to deepen our understanding of the food loss problem that is actually occurring in Japan, and that we must be careful in our daily eating habits in addition to making food ingredients sustainable.
Our Activities
Lecture to "After-School Children's Classroom" at Hanno Daini Elementary School (Saitama)
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